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  • Who is Q. Rumbley

    Q. Rumbley is a ink and pyrography artist inspired by Nature and all her beauty.

  • Where does this store ship from?

    Michigan, USA

  • What is this store's return and exchange policy?

    All sales are final on original artwork unless item is lost and shown as being undelivered through package tracking, upon which a refund will be given. Package tracking is available for U.S. shipping. Any prints/reproductions that are lost can be replaced. Please contact artist through the Contact page if there are any issues with the shipping of your order.

  • Do you accept orders placed outside of the US?

    Orders are only accepted from the US, Canada and the United Kingdom.

  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    Orders will be shipped via USPS within 2 business days after payment has been cleared through PayPal. Once shipped most domestic orders take anywhere from 2 to 8 business days to arrive depending on the efficiency of the local postal service. Canadian and UK shipment delivery times may vary between 2 to 6 weeks due to customs.

  • Copyright Disclaimer

    All text and photos displayed in this store are the intellectual property of the artist. You must obtain written permission to copy, use or redistribute any photos of artwork and/or text.
    Upon the purchase of any original artwork or prints/reproductions, understand that you are only purchasing the art, not the copyright. The copyright remains with the artist. As the buyer you can not make your own prints of the original artwork with the intent to sell or create copies of purchased prints with the intent to sell. Neither can you resell original artwork or prints for commercial or promotional purposes, including renting, leasing or licensing, without expressed permission given in writing from the artist. Otherwise all purchases are to be strictly for noncommercial and nonpromotional personal use.

  • How do I pay for my order? Is it secure?

    BigCartel checkout process uses PayPal, one of the most trusted online payment solutions on the web. Because of this, BigCartel has all the same securities and payment fraud protection as Before entering any personal credit card information, you will be transferred to PayPal's secure servers. PayPal accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express and Diners Club. You may also make payments using your bank account, but this may delay your order.

  • Having trouble placing an order?

    If you have any problems placing an order from this store, please contact the artist directly through the Contact page describing the issue you are encountering.